Member benefits

From this year onwards, we aim to be more approachable and work more closely with our members. We want our members to feel comfortable to call upon us to voice any concerns, questions and be able to make suggestions and to support each other. The following are some of the programs that we tentatively hope to offer in the new year and will work hard to improve:

  • Current culinary trends, information on health and regulation updates

  • Business related advice and support toward resolving issues

  • Support for Food Handling workshops and Certificate renewals

  • Support for Smart Serve workshops and Certificate renewals

  • Opportunities to participate together in business and social events

  • Preferred rates from suppliers (under negotiation)

  • Group discounts (future)




  • $180/year

Retail, Wholesale, & Company

  • $230/year


  • $50/year


Apply now!

Please complete the form below

We ask all applicants to fill out this form so that we can best evaluate the appropriate membership type and what services we can offer. 

Once we have reviewed your application, we will send an invoice and your membership will be activated upon payment.

Each member will receive a dedicated page on our website with a direct link to your own site. 

Thank you for taking interest in JRAC.